If you like fun facts, you may be interested to know that our Ganesh kratom strain is Mitragaia’s first proprietary blend. Tried and true, this kratom strain was our major #1 seller for almost two years, and we’ve haven’t changed it. And as for another tidbit of knowledge, this kratom mixture is named after Ganesh—the god of New Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles.
Our Ganesh kratom contains a set combination of Red Maeng Da and Elephant kratom. Since Ganesh is depicted as an Elephant, the Elephant Kratom was a given. We then chose to add Red Maeng Da for its alkaloid profile, which we figured would nicely complement the Elephant Kratom and produce a robust, well-rounded strain. After perfecting the mixture’s ratio, our Ganesh kratom was a hit, and it remains popular to this day.
If something works, we keep it around. When we first started selling kratom, our company was small, and we’ve grown quite a bit, all organically (no mergers, no acquisitions—we catered to our customer base, and it expanded). Did the success of this kratom mix play a role, or was it the luck of Ganesh that removed our obstacles? We can’t say. But our Ganesh Maeng Da kratom strain is special to us (and many customers, new and old). A true classic.
All of our kratom is ethically harvested in a sustainable manner.
We have the best mitragyna speciosa in the business, and each batch is tested for quality control.